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There are dozens of resources available at NC State to help you take charge of your wellness, tackle mental health challenges or simply find community on campus. Use the filters below to narrow down the list of resources — or search for a specific resource by name.

Campus Health 

Campus Health provides affordable, accessible and high-quality primary health care to eligible students, and provides a comprehensive disease-prevention and health education program to the NC State University community.



CARES is a program that works closely with campus resources to provide early intervention for students who may be struggling personally or whose behavior has led others to be concerned for their well-being. Case managers can meet with the individual(s) to provide access to resources and follow up with them to monitor their progress. Students,…

Case Management and Off-Campus Referrals 

This service connects students with specialized and/or longer-term mental health services not currently provided by the Counseling Center. Case managers meet with students to discuss and make appropriate referrals, goals, insurance, transportation, and other relevant elements.

Changing Major Support 

Academic Advising Programs and Services (AAPS) provides drop-in advising for students who are exploring or changing undergraduate majors at NC State, outside of their current college. Cross-curricular advisors help students evaluate potential majors, navigate the on-campus change of major process (CODA), and plan appropriate coursework as students transition between majors.

Faculty and Staff Assistance Program 

The Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FASAP) offers no-cost counseling services for eligible employees and their household members to address stress, relationship, personal and family issues (three free sessions per issue). Counseling services available by phone, in-person or virtually.


Faculty and Staff Ombuds Office 

The faculty ombuds office is independent, impartial, informal and confidential and helps to strengthen relationships across the university, engages with people to help inform critical decisions, monitors trends and promotes fair process.

Individual Counseling 

Short-term therapy at the Counseling Center is goal-oriented, solution-focused and time-limited. You and your clinician will work together to determine a plan to address the primary goal.

Pack Essentials 

Pack Essentials provides resources for students at risk of or experiencing food, housing or financial insecurity, with a centralized collection of on- and off-campus resources, including the Student Emergency Fund, Meal Plan and Housing Scholarships, Meal Share program and the Feed the Pack food pantry. The Pack Essentials team responds to applicants in a timely…

Student Ombuds Services 

The Student Ombuds is here for you to discuss your concerns related to any aspect of your NC State experience. An independent, neutral, confidential and informal office at NC State, Student Ombuds Services is here to be a personal guide for conflict management, prevention and resolution while advocating for fair processes and empowering students to successfully navigate…


Survivor Support Services 

The NC State Women’s Center has trained advocates who support survivors of interpersonal violence (domestic/dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, etc.) in understanding their options and navigating healing and recovery. The NC State Women’s Center serves ALL NC State students and we welcome students of all gender identities, gender expressions, and sexual orientations. Services include accompaniment to court, student…


Wellness Coaching 

Wellness and Recreation’s nationally-certified wellness coaches offer several options to NC State students to improve their well-being in individual and group settings. Each coaching opportunity is designed to meet you where you are in your well-being journey and facilitate your personal growth and development along the way.

Wellness Living-Learning Village 

The Wellness Village is open to all NC State students committed to living a balanced lifestyle. The village encourages developing and maintaining personal overall wellness through coursework, small programs, mentorships and high-impact events.